The board of Leaguetown High school has called an emergency meeting and will vote this Friday, February 6th, on whether or not the school will rent computers for yearbook students because of a recent system hacking.
Due to the system hacking all computers on the Leaguetown High School campus will be shutdown to install new security software. The yearbook classes need computers to finish the yearbook to meet their 48-page final deadline on February 27th.
“Our yearbook representatives warned us that if we didn’t make the deadline, the chances of the yearbook arriving before summer break were slim.” Alexis Zavia, the yearbook editor, said.
Receiving the yearbook is so important for the seniors, that the school has sponsored a “Yearbook Day” just to have their book signed.
“Yearbook Day is one of the highlights of the senior year.” says senior, Reggie White. “Yearbook Day is more popular than prom.”
During the hacking many teachers had lost files, grades and tests. No suspect has been named or has turned themselves in.
“Whoever hacked into our system is very bright” says Ed Robles, the technology director. “I don’t think it was a student.”
Very good!! Stronger transitions are needed along with a stronger ending quote!!
-Destiny Morgan