Humans of New York


This story is really powerful and I chose it because I feel people should know when you feel as if you have hit rock bottom and can’t go on anymore is when you really need to start fighting. Every life is worth living and you still have so many things in store.

Current Events


An East Texas organization had a fundraiser filled with games and activities to support cancer awareness. ” ‘Pink Heals’ organization holds fundraiser to benefit breast cancer research” is the title of my article. My article is from KLTV or here. With October finally starting this means it’s breast cancer awareness month. In honor of loved ones and being supportive an East Texas organization put together a fundraiser. This fundraiser benefits breast cancer research. The organization had many activities and booths set up to raise money and awareness for this issue. Many supporters came to talk at this event and educating those who participated. Throughout the month of October many people participate in raising money for breast cancer. ‘Pink Heals’ organization is changing the world day by day and I feel we should all help the cause. It’s a great feeling knowing so many people can come together to support those who are fighting cancer. I feel this could be the year when doctors find a cure. This event affects me because my Aunt lost a friend due to breast cancer. She had always supported those who were struggling with cancer. Not only in October she is helping and raising money for a cure but all year round. It makes me happy to see her have such strong desire to help those who are fighting. I think we should all do something about this and find a way to support. So many men and women have cancer and don’t have the money to pay for their medical expenses. The doctors can only do so much. With fundraisers happening everyday the amount adds up. With their community helping it’s the reason they can receive the help they need. I’m more than happy to know that just a small act of giving can change somebody’s life.



News Writing Practice 1

The board of Leaguetown High school has called an emergency meeting and will vote this Friday, February 6th, on whether or not the school will rent computers for yearbook students because of a recent system hacking.


Due to the system hacking all computers on the Leaguetown High School campus will be shutdown to install new security software. The yearbook classes need computers to finish the yearbook to meet their 48-page final deadline on February 27th.


“Our yearbook representatives warned us that if we didn’t make the deadline, the chances of the yearbook arriving before summer break were slim.” Alexis Zavia, the yearbook editor, said.


Receiving the yearbook is so important for the seniors, that the school has sponsored a “Yearbook Day” just to have their book signed.


“Yearbook Day is one of the highlights of the senior year.” says senior, Reggie White. “Yearbook Day is more popular than prom.”


During the hacking many teachers had lost files, grades and tests. No suspect has been named or has turned themselves in.


“Whoever hacked into our system is very bright” says Ed Robles, the technology director. “I don’t think it was a student.”

Current Events


The topic of my article is about a girl and her date who shaved his head to help her and her mother fight cancer.Teen shaves head to support date, mom both battling cancer” is the title of my article. My article is from KLTV or here. 2 ½  years ago Allie was diagnosed with brain cancer and had been clear after treatment, but now Allie is having to fight it again. Her mother has been fighting breast cancer also. In support of his date Brayden has shaved his head to stand with Allie and her mother. Cancer is such a tough thing to battle and I can see how Allie wants to be a “normal teen.”  It’s the best thing for Allie and her mother to be optimistic and have faith. I feel very encouraged by this event. Many people struggle with cancer everyday and have a hard time staying happy. Just by Brayden shaving his head for Allie and her mom can change somebody life. This affects me because we never know what life can throw at us. We never know when we could be in this position. Knowing people like Brayden still support others who are struggling takes a lot of courage and makes me happy.This impacts the world by showing us that people still care. Brayden was willing to shave his for Allie and he can inspire so many others to do that. It doesn’t have take much to help others. Imagine how many people can do the same thing for people fighting cancer. I’m touched to hear this and to know it doesn’t take much to make a difference.

Current Events


The topic of my article is about if students should start school later due to lack of sleep. The title of my article is “Experts say start school later, but it’s not that easy”. My article is from KLTV or here. Experts say to start school at a later time due to the lack of sleep students get. They say to go to bed sooner but it isn’t as simple as it sounds. Many students are involved in sports activities and don’t get get home until a late time, and usually have homework. This pushes back going to bed and getting less sleep. Not receiving enough sleep causes depression and health effects. Should schools start at a later time? I can relate to the students who are involved in sports and who arrive home late. It’s a lot to juggle when you have homework after you just played a game or ran track and be back at school early the next day. I agree with the experts! I feel students should start school at a later time so we can get more rest. Since I am a student this event affects me greatly. I understand where the experts are coming from! This issue affects because I am involved in sports and I do get home late after a meet. I usually have homework and have to stay up late to finish it. Then next thing I know is that I’m getting up at 6:00 a.m to get ready for school. This impacts the world in many ways. Parents usually drop their kids off at school while they’re on their way to work. If school times get moved back the parents will either be late to work, have them walk to school, or have to sign their child up to ride a bus. Students would most likely improve in school because they are not struggling to stay awake. Just a little extra time could help many students across the nation understand their work a bit more.

5 Journalism Leads

Extended 10 minute lunch periods will be available to anyone but freshman at R.H.H.S. This open campus lunch policy will start October 5, 2015.


A super walmart will be built this May in Rock Hill, Although there is one 75 miles down the road. Local community members is having a position January 9, 2006 because they feel it is a bad idea and will hurt local businesses.


Ms. Mobley received a phone call from Mr. Fred George, Napoleon Dynamite’s principal. Sixth grader, Napoleon has been scored a genius and says “he doesn’t waste anytime in middle school” so, Mr. George would like to move him up to high school which will help him get into medical school earlier.


79% of deaths were under age five, while more than half of children who died were under age one and child abuse cases rose 2.7 million in the past year. A survey which was released yesterday shows three to four children die each day, due to child abuse and neglect.

Kathy Mahoney lives on 2300 block of main street where she awoke at 3:30 a.m to smoke, flames, and minor damage on her hands and feet. The fire caused $76,000 worth of damage while firefighters say the fire started by a lighted cigarette on the sofa, but had the blaze under control in five minutes.

Current Events


The topic of my article is that a boy is able to walk again. The title of my article is called “East Texas boy getting a chance to finally walk”. My article is from KLTV or here. A boy named Ethan was born with arthrogryposis. He had always wanted to be a “normal” kid. Ethan had the opportunity to get his legs amputated and have prosthetic legs. After a while, Ethan had decided he would go through with the surgery. Now Ethan can be able to play and jump around with the other kids like he had always dreamed to. Having a great offer like Ethan did is an amazing thing. Now I know others can have such a life changing opportunity to be themselves and run around like the others kids. I feel happy knowing Ethan can live the “normal” life he has always wanted. This event affects me because I want to become a physical therapist or assistant for children. I love seeing kids light up having opportunities like this. Helping kids like Ethan make the job worth it. Now I can help them get to where they need to be. I can say this makes me feel grateful. Having prosthetics like these impact the world greatly. This allows people to become capable of doing things they always wanted to. A surgery isn’t always easy. Ethan showed me how strong he really is. I’m more than happy for people to have opportunities like these, and live their life the way they want.

Current Events


The topic of my article is about Indian artifacts The title of my article is called “Gregg County Historical Museum features objects up to 12,000 years old”. My article is from KLTV news or here. The article is about old indian artifacts found in the basement the Gregg County Museum. These old pieces were donated by Buddy Calvin Jones. He is from east Texas and graduated from Pine Tree. He found most of his collections as a boy and started logging what he found. Now people today can enjoy his finds from the past. I think it’s important for the museum to continue to add older items and information so we can learn from them. I think it’s a great opportunity for people to learn about some of the history in East Texas. This display at the museum gives me the chance to appreciate the older artifacts. Now I can see how people lived in the past. My grandpa enjoys history and knows many things about the indians. I can ask him questions and learn about East Texas from different points of view. Many people enjoy studying history and someday I can look back and remember what I learned. This impacts the world by preserving our native history. It’s important for each generation to learn from the past. Artifacts made then, compared to some things made today are totally different. One man made such a huge impact by just collecting arrowheads! Imagine what we can do today if we preserve our history.

Current Events


What is the topic of your article?

The topic of my article is about an expected mosquito spike in bites when it gets cooler.

What is the title of your article?

The title of my article is “Mosquito trap: Spike in bites expected in cooler weather”

Where did you get your article?

Brief article summary:

With weather changing from hot and dry to cooler weather means mosquitos are out for blood. This means mosquitos are out more often and want to eat. In East Texas the two most common mosquitoes may carry diseases, such as; Chikungunya or West Nile Virus. Try to avoid the times mosquitos are out and have protection to drive them away.

Take a position on the issue contained in this article.

I agree that people should take steps to protect themselves from mosquitoes.

How do you feel about this event?

I now feel more aware about this issue and I’m definitely more cautious for when I go outside.

How does this event affect you?

It affects me because East Texas is where I live. I don’t want to get bitten by mosquitos that could carry a disease. It’s very important to me that others and myself stay aware that we could be bitten by mosquitoes that may have a disease. Now I know that being bit by a mosquito carrying West Nile Virus or Chikungunya is a possibility. I can now tell others about this issue and warn them also.

How does this impact the world?

This impacts the world in many ways. One impact is that it could start in East Texas. Mosquitos travel and could start a outbreak somewhere else. If somebody gets bitten it could put them in critical condition. If this issue affects just one person it could affect many others.