Current Events


What is the topic of your article?

The topic of my article is about an expected mosquito spike in bites when it gets cooler.

What is the title of your article?

The title of my article is “Mosquito trap: Spike in bites expected in cooler weather”

Where did you get your article?

Brief article summary:

With weather changing from hot and dry to cooler weather means mosquitos are out for blood. This means mosquitos are out more often and want to eat. In East Texas the two most common mosquitoes may carry diseases, such as; Chikungunya or West Nile Virus. Try to avoid the times mosquitos are out and have protection to drive them away.

Take a position on the issue contained in this article.

I agree that people should take steps to protect themselves from mosquitoes.

How do you feel about this event?

I now feel more aware about this issue and I’m definitely more cautious for when I go outside.

How does this event affect you?

It affects me because East Texas is where I live. I don’t want to get bitten by mosquitos that could carry a disease. It’s very important to me that others and myself stay aware that we could be bitten by mosquitoes that may have a disease. Now I know that being bit by a mosquito carrying West Nile Virus or Chikungunya is a possibility. I can now tell others about this issue and warn them also.

How does this impact the world?

This impacts the world in many ways. One impact is that it could start in East Texas. Mosquitos travel and could start a outbreak somewhere else. If somebody gets bitten it could put them in critical condition. If this issue affects just one person it could affect many others.

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