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The topic of my article is about Indian artifacts The title of my article is called “Gregg County Historical Museum features objects up to 12,000 years old”. My article is from KLTV news or here. The article is about old indian artifacts found in the basement the Gregg County Museum. These old pieces were donated by Buddy Calvin Jones. He is from east Texas and graduated from Pine Tree. He found most of his collections as a boy and started logging what he found. Now people today can enjoy his finds from the past. I think it’s important for the museum to continue to add older items and information so we can learn from them. I think it’s a great opportunity for people to learn about some of the history in East Texas. This display at the museum gives me the chance to appreciate the older artifacts. Now I can see how people lived in the past. My grandpa enjoys history and knows many things about the indians. I can ask him questions and learn about East Texas from different points of view. Many people enjoy studying history and someday I can look back and remember what I learned. This impacts the world by preserving our native history. It’s important for each generation to learn from the past. Artifacts made then, compared to some things made today are totally different. One man made such a huge impact by just collecting arrowheads! Imagine what we can do today if we preserve our history.

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